The BolognaisFair Map presents businesses in Bologna’s historic center, with a few exceptions, offering products and services in accordance to the Sustainable Economy principles. It has been made with accuracy and passion, with a field research by authors active in Bologna’s sustainable economy (authors of the guide “Equo in città – Bologna” in 2013).

To motivate citizens to choose a sustainable consumption lifestyle, voting with one’s wallet firms and artisans committed to environmental and/or social sustainability, participating in the construction of a life quality enhancing economy, linked to the respect of common good.

To make a Map is to offer a representation of reality. This is even truer if the goal is to participate in the construction of a life enhancing economy, to encourage consumers to choose and adopt sustainable consumption models.

It is important to say this Map does NOT draw the fixed boundaries of Bologna’s Sustainable Economy. Not only because in the near future there will be more realities that are now are not in it; but also because the variety of commercial initiatives linked to ethical issues led us in some occasions to decide to give visibility to businesses that might not yet fully respect the Sustainable Economy criteria of this map, but that currently are the most sustainable in their sector to purchase in Bologna or are signs of this expansive trend. That is to say that we took into account highly innovative initiatives, believing their present promotion will be useful to broaden the sustainability boundaries. And this was our mission: to foster sustainable consumption among citizens, promoting firms and artisans committed to environmental and/or social sustainability.

The Project and the Map are focused on Bologna’s historic center. Nonetheless we decided it would be useful to recommend a few suburban experiences that are easily accessible.

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